Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Continued from earlier post...

We got settled into L&D around 11. The RN drew labs, got my fluids (LR) and Pitocin started...then, came the initiation of the Mag(nesium) drip. This drip is sheerly from Satan. In the first place, I received a 6 GRAM BOLUS in 30 minutes...I have a newfound respect for my patients who get Mag...and they only get 1 gram in 1 hour! The RN warned us that it would make me irritable and hot. Well, I later saw that my husband posted on Facebook that the drip was making me nuts! I felt as if the room was 500 degrees, and I was so irritable that I know I hit a new record of being nuts. I remember looking at the pump and saying, "Oh! WONDERFUL!!! Only 21 more minutes to go til this torture is over!!!" The, when the RN told me she hadn't looked at all of her orders and would need to draw more blood, I made sure to tell her that she better be drawing more than the one tube she had laying on the bedside table! Anyway, after 30 minutes the drip was backed down and put at a maintenance rate. The whole purpose of the drip (for those who don't know) is the keep one's blood pressure down so that you don't seize. Mag is a CNS depressant, so you basically cannot move because you are so weak. Another perk of the gtt is that you get to have your blood pressure checked every 2-5 minutes! :)

So, about 0200 a resident came in to check my progress (I had started at 3cm and 75% effaced). After standing me on my head to check me (can you tell I didn't much care for these residents), she said I was a 3 and 60%. Not the news I wanted to hear. I told them I was ready for the epidural, not because my contractions were unbearable, but that I wanted to let my body relax and progress. The resident thought I was your typical pain med seeker, but I held my ground. I got the epidural, and the CRNA totally rocked--he was great. So, when I was checked at 0600, I expected to be further along...nope 3 and 60%. At 0800, a different resident (whom I'd seen in Triage back in March) came in to check me and said I was 4cm and 75%. She stated that she was going to break my water. So, water broken and only a little bit came out...she had me almost convinced that since my amniotic fluid level was low that maybe that was all the fluid I had left. Imagine my surprise when she checked me @ 1000 that I was exactly the same! I was having good contractions, steady and more intense (as I should have because they ended up giving me triple-concentrated Pitocin). So, I was checked @ 2pm and this same resident said I was 6cm and 80%. I lost it. Again. Our families had been there waiting, and I hated to keep them sitting around all day. Dave was so upset that he had to go get my mom to talk to me. I just felt like there was (again) something wrong, and that I should have had my baby by now. I told them all to go home and that we'd call when closer to the time because I wasn't getting anywhere.

My OB had been in and out all day...he came to check me himself at 4pm. Imagine my surprise when he asked for another amnio hook so that he could break my water. THE RESIDENT HAD NOT BROKEN MY WATER. THIS WAS A MAJOR FACTOR IN WHY I HAD NOT PROGRESSED ALL DAY. So, water broken and my OB said his partner would be in to check on us at 6pm. His partner came in at 6pm, checked me and said I was 6cm and 80%...yep, the same! I told her that I had been "in labor" for 18 hours at this point, and that because the resident "screwed up" I hadn't progressed in a timely manner. It was agreed that if I had not progressed when she checked me at 8pm, then we would proceed with a c-section. I was done. I had been on a Mag gtt for 18 hours, an epidural for 15 hours, and there were several times when the baby's heart rate de-celed and intervention was necessary.

When I was checked at 8pm, I was still 6cm and 80%...the decision was made to proceed with a c-section. We signed the consent after weighing the risks, yada, yada. Dave lost it at this point. We agreed to let nursing students in the c-section because, duh, we understand about being nursing students. Dave told me afterward that he called his charge RN in his unit @ OSU, and Dennis sent up one of our friends to be there for Dave after the c-section...I'm glad Dennis sent R.W. up to check on Dave. He was a wreck. Dave also knew the Anesthesia residents who were in the c-section, and told them to take care of me or he would kill them...they said they knew him and knew that threat to be true! ;) My blood pressure dropped to 83/48 a couple times, and of course I got sick...I was given Epi and Neo a couple times. I have to thank the OB doing the c-section because I kept asking Anesthesia what they were giving me and they just kept saying "something for your bp." Finally, the OB said "She's a nurse, just tell her!!!"

Nicholas David Murray was born @ 9:16 pm on Wednesday, April 21 @ exactly 36 weeks gestation weighing in at 7.6lbs and 19.75 inches long---huge for a preemie!!! (The doctor had told me all along that if I went full-term he'd be between 10 and 11 lbs!) I remember hearing him cry, and we both lost it. Dave was crying and showing him to me. I remember Dave telling me that he was perfect and would be coming back to the room with us...Apgar 8 and 9.

Next thing I remember, I was back in my L&D room and the nurse was telling me to wake up and breathe because my sats were dropping. I was so cold and so out-of-it that I couldn't. Dave wasn't there, and neither was my baby. Dave then started waking me up, and said that Nicholas had been taken to NICU due to respiratory distress. We talked briefly and then he put mom on the job of making me wake up and breathe while he went to NICU. Dave's parents, mine and Stella were all in the room with me. Mom said Nicholas was perfect, and that they had seen him in the nursery before he was taken to NICU. Dave came back, we talked and our families left.

Long story short, Dave walked Nicholas up to the newborn nursery with the L&D RN. She noticed that by the time they got up to the nursery, he was grunting and having trouble breathing. The immediately took him to NICU. He was on Room Air CPAP overnight in order to open his lungs more and encourage him to breathe. His blood sugar was also low, so they started IV fluids as well.

As I had to be on the Mag gtt for 24 hours after delivery, I was unable to see my baby. Dave was awesome about checking on him, taking pictures and keeping me updated. I warned the nightshift nurse that she had better be in my room @ 9pm exactly to d/c my gtt so that I could go see my baby. At about 9:10, Dave went out to get her. We loaded up and headed straight to NICU. I was so looking forward to holding my baby. Dave and both my parents had held him, but not me. We got there, buzzed in and scrubbed in. We got over to his isolette, and the RN said that he had had a setback and that I wouldn't be able to hold him. Again, I was crushed. She said I could put my hand in and talk to him. I opened one door, put my hand on his back and started talking to him. He opened his eyes and looked right at me. Dave said he hadn't done that yet, and that he knew who I was. I again, lost it. The bond already created in utero was unreal. So, we visited for a bit, then headed to our post-partum room.

We were upgraded to the employee suite the next morning. I have to say (and we did relay this to the Nurse Manager) that post-partum, NICU and L&D was fantastic. They took wonderful care of us. We got to feed Nicholas the next morning. He had been diagnosed with Transient Tachypnea of the Neunate and Hypoglycemia. His blood sugar never was a problem after that initial low reading. During his NICU stay, he received D10, TPN, Lipids, all IV. The CPAP was just overnight. They took their time with him, keeping him for 5 almost 6 days, then he spent about 12 hours in the well-baby nursery and we finally got to take him home on Tuesday, April 27th.

That was the most stressful thing we had been through together. The Friday night following his birth was probably the most eomtionally intimate period we had because I broke down. I can't thank my husband enough for his love, support and patience during that time. We cried together, prayed like we probably never have, and were scared together. During that time, we came together in a new way, and we haven't been the same since.

Nicholas is now a little over 3 mos old, and is chubby, healthy and full of our personalities along with one of his own. He has bonded our family in a new way, and we are so blessed to have him.

Heading up to the birth...

So, here is our little man that was born a little over three months ago. And, for my own journaling purposes, I need to write the birth story. :) So bear with me.
On Saturday, April 18th, I hadn't been feeling well so I called work and told them I needed to use some FMLA time and tried to rest more. I told Dave that I just didn't feel well, and that I wanted to go check my blood pressure. We ran over to Walgreens and they didn't have a cuff, so we went to Kroger, and first check was 174/107, checked it again 153/117, so we figured it was high. Dave called his sister who is a nurse for Columbus City and asked if she would manually check my BP. So, we drove down to Grove City, and she checked it 183/108. We said, "see ya, bye, we are going to the hospital." I called the OB on the way and the person on-call said to go straight to L&D @ OSU, that they would be waiting for me. So, got there, waited about 5 minutes to get checked in and was immediately taken back to Triage.
Got back to Triage and got hooked up to the Fetal Monitors, BP cuffs, drew necessary labs, and in came the (not-so-bright) resident. She said they were, duh, worried about pre-eclampsia. Yes, my hands are face were somewhat swollen, and yes, my BP was up. The resident told me she wanted to do a 24-hour urine to test my liver enzymes and sent me over to L&D. The RN checked me in, said, "I can get an IV anywhere so tell me where you want it." She promptly blew that vein and put a 20ga in my left hand. They gave me a quick tour and then took me back to my room. They gave me a little bit of fluids, checked my BP every 30 minutes, let me take a shower, and rest.
The next morning, I had a male nurse, which cracked me up because I wouldn't have thought that a male would want to work in L&D. Anyway, he was great. I was transferred to Antepartum early that afternoon to finish out my 24 hours. I was less than impressed with Antepartum, but whatever. My nightshift nurse was great...maybe I am bias. :) My results came back about 0300 Monday morning, and my liver enzymes were high normal. My BP was better so long as I was lying down. So, the plan was to discharge to home on bedrest that day.
I started seeing white spots and floaters that morning, and my headache would not go away. So, I bought myself another night. Mind you, Dave & I were both enrolled in our Critical Care Certification Review Class that week, so he went Monday and part of Tuesday, and me not at all. Anyway, now we are to Tuesday morning where everyone learned the hard way that we are both nurses at the Medical Center.
The day nurse came in and said that the residents wanted me to complete another 24-hour urine. I lost it, I started crying and told her to tell them no, that I wasn't doing it. I told her that I felt like no one was listening to me and that something was wrong. I told her I wasn't going to stay in the hospital to do another 24-hour urine when I could do it at home. I told her absolutely not would I do another one. She ever-so-politely (note the sarcasm) told me that she knew I was a nurse, but not a L&D nurse, and that I needed to use my head and do what they wanted me to do. I told her absolutely not. In the meantime, I had sent Dave a text telling him all of what was going on, and he immediately left class and came over. He told the nurse that he wanted a doctor, a real doctor now, in our room in 5 minutes. Well, a doctor came in and called me by the wrong name 3 times, Dave told her to leave and to come back when she knew who I was--this is part of the problem with working with residents all the time. She left, came back and apologize for being confused and said that she was the HIGH RISK MATERNAL-FETAL ATTENDING. She said we got off on the wrong foot, and that my OB's partnet would be down to speak with us within 5 minutes.

Dr. Keeder made it down to us within the 5 minutes, and she was wonderful. She listened to our concerns, and our frustrations. It was decided that we would do an amniocentesis that morning, and if it looked as if Nicholas' lungs were developed, then we would proceed with inducing labor...I was 35 weeks 6 days along. We headed over to do the amnio, and the high risk OB said that the fluid levels were dropping and were getting almost critically low. He also said that the only way to get to any fluid was to pass through the placenta, and that would complicate things. It was decided that I would be induced that day.
Dr. Keeder set us up to go over to L&D @ 10 pm that Tuesday night. My family came to see us, and for my dad & brother to give me a blessing for labor. My parents had been staying with Stella and holding down the fort at home, so that was much appreciated. They all got there about 7 pm, and my dad brought me my favorite meal from McDonald's as I would be NPO @ 8pm...nice to have that to eat. :) We visited, got my blessing, got to have a few minutes with Stella, and then they headed on their way so that Dave & I could have some time before heading to L&D. I took an illegal (due to bedrest) shower, did my hair and put on make-up. We got packed up and headed over to L&D about 10pm.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

About time!!!!!!!!

I finally remembered my username and such, so now I can finally update this thing!!! Much has happened since my last post, mainly that Nicholas was born. :) I'll post the birth story later. And all of the other updates...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Here's what's happened over the last month...

WEC 47

Cabin Fever!
Beautiful birthday flowers!

Lovely birthday necklace!

OSU Hockey...yes, this is the band but still!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


neither one of us a fan of the snow. At all. But, being stuck in Ohio, what can we expect??? I woke Friday am at 6:30 and looked outside to see if we got all the snow that was predicted. I laughed when I saw dry, barren ground and sent the boy a text as he was finishing up his shift from work. I probably should have kept my mouth quiet! :) It started about 10:30 am, and it is STILL snowing. The boy played with his snow blower last night--quite a handy tool to have, I must admit. So, the kids are gone this weekend, and we had big date night plans, but it all worked out just fine...we talked, cooked dinner together, took naps, and talked some more. Now, we have to get ourselves psyched up to go to work tonight...

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Tunes

So, I added the tuneage, and since this blog isn't all about me anymore, I included everyone's favorites...just scrolled through our iTunes (yes, all of the kids have ipods, too...just shuffles) and selected a few favorites for now!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy, Happy Birthday, Anne dear!

Happy days will come to you all year!

If I had one wish, then it would be...

A happy, happy birthday to you from me!
Happy Birthday to the best niece ever!!! Hope your ONE-YEAR-OLD Birthday is great!!! We love you! :)